

Nurse Checking Girl's Teeth | Solomon Kids Dentistry in Carnes & Knightsville, SC

Teeth Cleaning

A regular pediatric dental check-up is fairly straightforward and routine. Pediatric dentists recommend that the first visit to the dentist should be scheduled once the first tooth is visible. Afterward, it’s usually recommended to have dental check ups at least once every 6 months.

Following the child’s check-in and completion of any necessary paperwork, we will perform the following steps during their teeth cleaning appointment:

The pediatric dentist will first introduce themselves and explain what they will do to the child first. If x-rays are needed, the dentist or dentist’s assistant will take some quick pictures to ensure any cavities or signs of abnormality that the naked eye cannot detect are not missed.

Next, the dentist will examine your child’s soft tissues in the mouth. During this process, any abnormalities will be checked, and the teeth will be checked to see if they are developing properly.

After that, the dentist uses an electric spinning tooth polisher to clean the teeth with a fun flavored toothpaste. To prevent tooth decay caused by tartar buildup, they will also check for hardened plaque (or tartar) that needs to be removed using a curved tool.

As a final step, a flavored fluoride varnish can be painted on the teeth using a brush or a q-tip and allowed to sit for a few minutes if approved by a parent or guardian.

After reviewing the child’s oral hygiene at home with a parent/guardian, the dentist may verbally reiterate the steps the child, and parent/guardian need to take. Depending on the child’s age, dental sealants may be recommended for the next appointment or applied during your child’s visit if time permits.

Make an appointment with Solomon Kids for your child’s next pediatric teeth cleaning. Contact Solomon Kids, or you may schedule your cleaning appointment using our convenient scheduling system.



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